Internet Service Providers focus on customer experience to stand out


In recent years, the growth in residential broadband subscriptions has outpaced population increases in the US. Much of this growth has hinged on delivery of even faster internet speeds and fiber adoption.

Yet for Service Providers, competing on speed or price alone has become a fast race to the bottom, and no longer enough to win or retain customers, who have more options than before.

So what are customers looking for when it comes to their internet provider?

The customer experience (CX) revolution

As customers become accustomed to Gigabit internet, incremental speed increases are barely noticeable. The name of the game is now Customer Experience; and the expectation is that every device works flawlessly in every room of the home. In fact, 88% of customers say that the experience a company provides is as important as its product or service, and 52 percent admit they would switch to a company’s competitor after just one bad experience.

Each time a customer experiences poor in-home WiFi service, you risk increased support costs, higher churn, and a hit to overall profitability.

The challenge with WiFi support calls is that live agents are often using tools with limited visibility into the subscriber’s network, leading to inefficient troubleshooting, higher average handle times and unnecessary truck rolls that can add up. 

To make matters worse, subscribers have to call into support even for basic issues that they could solve on their own if equipped with simple and user-friendly solutions.

At RouteThis, we empower Service Providers with easy-to-use applications to troubleshoot and quickly resolve in-home WiFi connectivity issues. Our ultimate goal is to help you deliver a superior WiFi experience, while reducing operational costs and increasing ARPU with insights from the data we capture from your customer’s network scans. 

Welcome to RouteThis Helps

Knowing that most customers want the ability to self-service, we’re pleased to announce the next generation of our RouteThis Help app, with even more powerful insights for WiFi troubleshooting and support.

The new RouteThis Helps app empowers your subscribers with even more powerful WiFi diagnostics to independently self-diagnose, troubleshoot and resolve WiFi issues. That’s because it uses the same in-home network data and easy-to-follow steps available to support agents via RouteThis Resolve.

RouteThis Helps enables simple, accurate collection and analysis of real-time WiFi network data with a user-friendly interface. The concept for this CPE-agnostic application is quite simple: we help reduce the need for support calls by empowering subscribers to solve WiFi issues on their own. If a call is needed, our solutions ensure efficient troubleshooting and rapid issue resolution for reduced average handle time (AHT) and lower operational costs. 

The network data collected by RouteThis Helps also aids Service Providers in identifying upsell opportunities, such as fiber plans or mesh WiFi solutions. 

So what’s new in the latest version of RouteThis Helps?

  • A modern, user-friendly experience – The new RouteThis Helps app features a modern interface and an enhanced user experience that makes in-home WiFi troubleshooting easier, especially for end-users who may not be tech-savvy.

  • WiFi coverage tool – Subscribers can easily view the WiFi coverage within their home and identify weak zones or dead spots. This feature also educates them on the benefits of a mesh system or extenders, generating more upsell opportunities.

  • Tailored WiFi troubleshooting – When users open the app, they are prompted to select the type of WiFi issue they’re struggling with, providing a more customized support journey, with faster and more accurate diagnostics. 

With flexible deployment options, Service Providers can deploy RouteThis Helps as a standalone app, a white-labeled app or fully integrated into existing apps with our software development kit (SDK) option.

Customer-first experience

A great customer experience calls for solutions that provide real-time insight into each subscriber’s network to ensure they can enjoy flawless connectivity on every device, in every room of their home. RouteThis helps Service Providers attract and retain happy customers, outpace the competition, secure market share, and transform support from a cost center to a growth center.

To learn more about RouteThis Helps, and discover how a Execulink telecom was able to reduce unnecessary truck rolls by more than 80 percent, watch this helpful webinar.

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